4 tips 2 Power-Up YOUR Power in 2024!

4 tips 2 Power-Up YOUR Power in 2024!

It’s a New Year! Are you living your best life? Or wondering what your purpose is? Time to focus that wonderful wandering mind on creating the life you dream of. You have the power to do anything you desire. So, power-up! Getting there may not be easy, but it’s worth it. BE the person you SEE in your heart! How?

Start here.


1. Visualize. What do you want your life to look like? How do you see yourself in this picture? I look at my own life like a painting. Colorful. Dramatic. Exciting! What adjectives come to you for your life’s vision? 

2. Choose. Life is about choices. It’s up to you to pick and choose what’s most important. Follow your heart! Even if some choices are tough, you’ll know you’re making the right decisions when they start to steer you towards what you see for yourself.

3. Commit. Setting an intention is fairly easy. But, taking action and making a commitment to follow through are harder. For me, I set my mind and then took baby steps. Starting with one small thing, like a goal to paint three days a week. Then I did another baby step. I TOLD people “I’m an artist”. Just hearing yourself say aloud how you picture your life makes it real! Tell the Universe who YOU are! With each small victory you’ll feel your power grow stronger. 

4. Accomplish. Succeeding is sweet! It fills you up with pride. Your efforts come together and complete YOU. After years of dedicating myself to painting, I feel proud to actually be living my dream as an artist. I love the process and the results I get when I paint. What do you love to do? Trust your gut and go for it! The more you do to live your dream the more it becomes a reality. Start walking the walk. BE the person you SEE! 

The New Year is a perfect time to start your power-up process! Refresh your life’s picture. Add into it. Make revisions. Modernize it. As you grow, your “YOU” painting will come alive! Visualize, choose, commit and accomplish! You can Power-Up your power! 



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Just what I needed! Love from Guate -


You’re an inspiration! It was wonderful meeting and working with you. Happy New Year!

Eric O'Connell

Great reading to wake up to in the new year! Thanks.

tina knox

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