Artist Bio

Hiya. I’m Diane Andreoni, artist and writer. I hope you’ll enjoy my original oil paintings and personal stories.

Me, I’m a wandering spirit. I love travel. Being outside. Connecting with nature. Always observing and taking in colors, shapes, textures. New places or old memories, I never know what will spark an idea I’m passionate about. And then, I want to share it whether through my canvas or my words.

My painting style has never ceased to develop since my days at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago where I received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. I combine natural and symbolic principles of Impressionism and Expressionism. I call it, Andreonism.” After thirty years as a Creative Director in marketing and advertising, I love a good “ism”. ;)  My work reflects my subjective approach to what I see.

Beyond my formal art training, I’ve studied color theory with professional landscape artist and educator, Nina Weiss. I mix warm and cool values of red, blue and yellow to make custom colors, and brush thin layers of paint onto the canvas, adding lighter hues on top of darker ones which enriches the painting’s luminosity, and gives it a stronger sense of depth. My style is relaxed so my brush strokes appear loose, kind of messy. I’m drawn to a paler version of the color spectrum, so my palette is softer and has a subtle, fantastical vibe.

When I write I use a similar layering process to how I paint, but in reverse—I begin with layers of words, and slowly erase them, until my story clearly brings to life a moment from my past similar to how I remembered it.

My curiosity to learn new things is constantly tugging at me. I think of myself as a perpetual student, always learning, growing and creating new narratives. I hope you’ll follow along with me as my life and work continue to evolve. Let’s wander. Wonder. And create together.