Find Focus and Flourish!

Find Focus and Flourish!

Sometimes it’s important to stop what you’re doing and reflect. Then restart with a clear focal point. With focus, I can make better choices, and move towards “one sense of purpose”.  It’s like a vortex—with an intersection of energy I call “intertension”. I FEEL it - like a push and pull that draws me in.  Moves me in a clear direction, so I can do what I love, and succeed: Write. Paint. Live!

Writing not making sense? FOCUS—on “one idea” with a point of view.

When I began this entry, I kept rewriting it over and over. I couldn’t figure out what the point was. And then it hit me. Duh. My idea is about finding a focal point. So, I just focused on that. And… my idea got clearer. And more exciting!

 Painting looking like a bunch of colors? FOCUS—on “one area” that makes the composition more exciting.

Similar to writing, when I paint, I start with an idea, but I can change my mind, and decide to rework my composition if it doesn’t look right. I’ll repaint certain areas to create a clearer focus - finding a focal point. If I don’t feel a sense of intertension, I might even re-paint the entire canvas! With focus, I can enliven colors, add brush work for movement and connect objects so it all comes together how I want it. 

Brain thinking too much? FOCUS—on “one thing” that makes life meaningful.

In life, too, focus changes. For me, over the years, I’ve gone back to school, worked long hours to advance my career, taken a leave of absence to battle breast cancer. Now that I’m older I’m grateful for my time; more selfish, with it, too. Now I focus on living a high quality lifestyle—choosing to do things that add value—mentally, physically, spiritually. Like making memories with people I love. And, my dog. Doing things that challenge me and help me grow. Arts. Travel. Spending time outside, staying active, connecting with nature. 

What’s your focal point? Are your choices making you feel vital? Are you taking action and moving forward? If not, wander. Wonder! See where it leads. Soon, your focal point will find YOU! 

 Still stuck? Try following these simple steps…

 —First, play with concepts. Sketch your ideas. Write your goals. Then, edit. Decide what’s meaningful.

—Next, identify where things intersect. Are your words communicating your idea? Are your  composition’s shapes connecting?  Are you goals aligned?  Feeling the energy, yet? If so, you’ve got intertension. 

—If you’re not feelin’ it, don’t give up! When you find that “one thing” that makes you, your art, your story feel alive, have purpose, then you’ll know you’ve found your focal point!

Funny, isn’t it, how art imitates life? Or is it vice versa? Either way, find your FOCUS and flourish! Create beautiful art! Write interesting stories! Gain personal achievements! Share your intertension (your energy!) with the world! 

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1 comment

Another thoughtful, insightful and just plain interesting entry.

Rick Bollinger

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