Get trippin’ with these ten “TRAVELTIME” tips!

Get trippin’ with these ten “TRAVELTIME” tips!

I love to travel, but it can be stressful when surprises pop up. Over the years, I’ve collected some great tips that make travel easy and breezy. Try them for yourself, and get trippin’! 

1. Travel light

Don’t check your luggage! I repeat, don’t check your luggage. With a carry-on, you avoid the extra time it takes to wait for your bags to arrive, or worse, lose them. Get a lightweight, wheeled suitcase that will fit in overhead compartments, even on small planes. Pack only what you need. Roll your clothes tightly. Stuff socks and underwear inside shoes. Ask yourself, do I need this? If not, delete, delete, delete. What you WILL need are light, thin clothing layers to help you stay warm in the cold, and cool in the heat. Be prepared for rain, too. Pack a waterproof raincoat or poncho. Wear clothes more than once (nobody cares). Keep them clean by washing them with shampoo while showering. If you’re hiking, wear your hiking shoes/boots on the plane.

2. Research where you’re going

Look at a map to see where your hotel is located. Make a list of “must-see” landmarks. Read other travelers’ reviews. Always understand and respect the differences in other cultures/religions. Decide what’s important to you. Do you want to walk everywhere? Or just relax and rest? Make sure you (and your travel partners) agree. And, know your limitations. For example, if you get motion sick avoid taking trips in cars or buses on winding roads, or boats on wavy waters. If needed, there’s always Dramamine as a last resort.

3. Allow enough time between flights

Don’t rush! Especially at airports. Be prepared for plans to change because of flight delays, long lines, cancellations, etc. Bring a book, write in a journal, sketch, or play cards. Have something to pass the time with while you hurry up… and wait.

4. Value your health

Ask your doctor to prescribe medications for your travels. I like to bring a Z-pack (for respiratory issues), Lomotil (anti-diarrhea), and a little Ambien (to help me sleep on long flights.) Decide what you might need to stay healthy. There’s nothing worse than feeling miserable when you’re far from home. Forgot your meds? Bubbly works, too! :)

5. Eat small meals

Flying causes air to get trapped inside your intestines, which can make your stomach feel bloated. Drink water to stay hydrated. And avoid alcohol. Jet lag can mess with your digestive system, too. I’ve found it helps to eat light and stay away from exotic foods, at least until your body gets acclimated to new time zones. Small, bite-sized tastes of food are a great way to sample local specialties. Listen to your stomach. It’s good to have antacid chews on hand. Tonic water (because of the quinine) has helped settle my sour stomach.

6. Let it go

Stop trying to control the situation. It’s best to go with the flow. Things happen. That’s life! Nothing turns out exactly as you imagined. So, be mindful. Stay positive. Be creative. Change is inevitable; it’s how you react to it that makes the difference between being pleasant or being “that” jerk. Have patience.

7. Treat people with respect

Travelers are a fun bunch. They like to meet new people. If you greet them with a smile they usually smile back. Be nice. Curious. Put yourself in other people’s shoes. Not everyone is like you. Or, will like you! That’s okay. Move on. But, be respectful. Say “thank you” a lot!

8. Invest in good walking/hiking shoes

Love your feet! Spend the extra money to purchase footwear that is good quality, comfortable, and supportive. You may be on foot a lot more than you’re used to. And, look down at the ground as you go. There may be hidden steps or uneven pavement that could cause you to trip and fall. Also, stretch a little, especially your calves. Keep your body nimble, balanced, and happy.

9. Make time to rest

Don’t forget, you’re on vacation. So, take a physical and mental break from your everyday routine. That’s why you chose to get away in the first place, right? Slow down and pamper yourself. Spend time reflecting on what you’re grateful for.

10. Enjoy the surprises

Relax. Have fun. And laugh. Sometimes traveling can feel like a roller coaster ride. Surprising ups and downs, twists and turns, they can be unsettling. But, exciting, too! New experiences are great for your mental health. They may cause anxiety because they’re taking you away from your comfort zone. But, overcoming your fears is rewarding. So, push yourself. Take a crazy ride once in a while.

It’s Travel Time! Get ready to take off. Your new journey awaits. And now, you have the tips to help you prepare. Where will you go? What will you do? Safe travels my friends as you wander. Wonder. And create!

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That was fun! Your tips are wise and wanderful and your photos are full of the free spirit of travel . Love it!

Holly Shulman

I love the travel tips , but M should be " Make love on the slow rainy days " . Your the best traveling partner I’ve ever had !

Tino Durovic

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