LISTEN! Summer sounds are here to hear!

LISTEN! Summer sounds are here to hear!


"Michigan Coneflowers" 

It’s summer! Welcome to longer days, more sunshine and interesting seasonal sounds that soothe the soul. Listen for your favorites. Here are some of mine. 

"A Walk in the Woods" Michigan 

Serene sounds: a walk in the woods, a stroll on the beach, breathing in the air and listening to myself inhale and exhale. Summer is time to slow down daily routines and enjoy time in nature. Find your own quiet space. Don’t think, just let any thoughts flow. A few minutes of silence will calm the mind and body. Try it! You’ll like it. :) 

"Lake Michigan Beach" 

Undulating sounds: water simply moving up and down… wave rhythms are super soothing. Wherever I hear the sound of water, like on the beach, in the shower, at a fountain, or under a warm rainfall, I relax. These sounds are everywhere. Listen! Do you hear your own “wave-like” heartbeat? 

"Tahquamenon River" Michigan 

Mother Nature’s sounds: can you hear the wind? Those gentle breezes that make tree leaves rustle and tall grasses swish and sway? Summer storms bring strong gusts, cracks of lightening, and roars of thunder. Thrilling! What is Mother Nature sounding out for you? Go outside and hear for yourself!

"Birdhouse" Michigan

Musical sounds: I love hearing timeless songs reminding me of summer fun. And memorizing lyrics to current summer hits so I can sing them out loud for my husband, or anyone! Insects and animals sing and make beautiful music, too. Baby birds chirp for food. Frogs croak and ribbit. Crickets rub their wings together to make stridulations. What musical marvel is your summer soul hearing? 


"Sunset Bluff" Michigan 

Earthly sounds: ever heard a vibrational sound coming from the ground? That’s the sound of the earth’s energy caused by thunder strikes making waves in the center of the earth’s crust. They’re called, “microseisms”. They aren’t always heard by human ears, but if you listen closely you may be able to detect them. I’ve heard low rumbles underneath me while lying on the beach! And eerie echoes when large trees fall and hit the ground. Want to hear an earthly sound? Just hold a conch shell up to your ear and listen!

"Playful Paulo" Michigan  

Recreational sounds: in the summer when I’m outside working and playing, I listen to lots of ambient noises. The drone of my neighbor’s lawn mower, my dog Paulo playfully barking, food sizzling while I’m cooking on the barbecue. And, the snap, crackle and pop of burning wood from Tino’s bonfires. Can you hear it, too?

These are just some of my favorite sweet summer sounds that soothe my soul. What sounds do you love? There’s no hurry! You still have all summer long to figure it out. Get out there! And, happy listening!  



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