Memories of Mom

Memories of Mom

My dad and mom in Italy

I saw a cardinal today from my art studio window. It made me think of my mom, Joan Diane, who would have been eighty-nine this month. She loved birds. And flying! Aside from having a family, my mom wanted to travel. So she did. She got herself a job working for an airline and she and my dad could fly for free! Taking advantage of her employee perk, they snatched unsold seats on planes and flew all over the world together. Flying made my mom happy. I remember her saying she wanted to be reincarnated as a bird so she could use her own wings to fly.  

My mom and me flying to Paris!

In her fifties, my mom began to gracefully age. She and I flew to Paris for a mother-daughter trip filled with many fun memories like a champagne toast on the plane, walking along the avenues, visiting museums. Every evening we’d find a quaint, local restaurant, eat things like fresh mussels and talk about our hopes for the future, all with glasses of wonderful red French wine. My mom told me about her unfulfilled dreams of being a photographer, and wanting to learn to speak Italian. And, she wanted to keep flying to new places as she aged, to stay glamorous, and be forever young. I wanted that too! I told her she was a great mom; that from her, I learned to follow my heart, and make myself happy. 

But, life happens. 

Things don’t always turn out as we’d hoped. Sadly, mom began showing symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease at sixty-five. It progressed rapidly. She passed away ten years later. Gypped out of aging in glam style. Since Alzheimer’s runs in our family, (my grandmother had it, too) I’m doing things to prevent it. Like brain training. I read that having new experiences may actually grow brain cells. So, I travel to places I’ve never been, learn about unique cultures, and meet people that have different interests from mine. I stay active with yoga, weight training, hiking, walking - and eat a healthy diet, avoiding processed foods and sugar. 

Diane Joan and Joan Diane

I see a lot of my mom in me. After all, she named me after herself. Diane Joan. :) Unlike her, I was never a mom; just a doggie-mama, but I have a lot of the same dreams she had. Now that I’m retired, I’m able to commit the time to pursuing our shared passions like traveling and the Arts. Reflecting on my life, I feel grateful! I’m enjoying my loving husband and sweet dog. My good health. My friends and family. I miss my mom though. Her style. Her flair. Never forgetting her hopes of aging with both! Since she’s no longer here, I’m doing it for her.  

Free bird

If my mom were alive today, she would be a beautiful 89 years young woman. Her smile would light up the room. She’d be traveling, making art. That cardinal I saw made me feel my mom’s spirit nearby. While waving its wings and chirping, it seemed my mom was saying “hi”, letting me know she’s happy for me. I like to think she’s still doing what she loves—seeing new places, revisiting old favorite spots. Only now she’s using her own wings. Flying free as a bird! Safe travels mom. :)

"Hydrangea Heaven"
I named this painting after my mom because she loved hydrangeas. I hope she can smell them up in heaven.


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What a beautiful tribute to your mom Di. I wish I had been able to meet her. She reminds me of my mom – also named Joan — and my mom also named me after her — Kimberly Joan.

Kim Fideler Robinson

Beautiful Diane…just as your Mom was and just as you are! 🌹❤

Debbie Czekala

Joan Andreoni was the cool mom on the block…. Warm hearted, creative and full of love.
Thanks for sharing your stories!

jenn herrmann

This is beautiful, Diane. I remember your mom’s kindness, beauty and adventurous spirit!

Paula Flake

This is a lovely tribute to your beautiful mother

Tell Draper

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