Six Signs to Sexy at Sixty (or any age!)

Six Signs to Sexy at Sixty (or any age!)

—by Diane Andreoni

born: May 25, 1963

I’ll be turning sixty this month. It’s been a wild ride to get here, and I’m still planning on having a lot more fun in the years to come. In six decades I’ve had a few ups and downs; it’s been like one very long roller coaster ride. Wild. Exhilarating. Scary. Sexy. I’ve lived my life my way. I’ve had no playbook. No set of rules. Mostly, I’ve paid attention to the feelings in my gut and heart, put one foot in front of the other and walked down my chosen path never looking back. I saw a few signs along the way. Maybe you’ve seen them, too? Let’s find out....

Be yourself

It took me years and years to discover ME. Today, I’m living the life I always dreamed of having. Healthy. Happy. And doing what I love. Authenticity is cool! Acknowledging and accepting your true self—not just what you see on the outside, but what you’re feeling on the inside, too—that’s being honest and proud about who YOU are; and that’s sexy!

Act your age

When I was young I wanted to be old and wise. Now I’m old and I guess somewhat smarter. And yeah, it would be nice to be young again, without feeling my body’s aches and pains. But I suck it up and enjoy my youthful spirit. How about we celebrate the age we are? Let’s ALL share our life lessons. Because people will learn from YOU. And being wise is super sexy. 

Embrace your wrinkles

I get it. Wrinkles suck. But, you know what? I’ve earned every single one of my lines, so why would I erase them? Instead, I embrace them! People don’t care about my silly wrinkles anyways. It’s more important to have nice teeth and smile. That makes anyone look sexy and beautiful, always. 

Be proud of your battle scars

I have scars all over my boobies from past breast cancer surgeries. They’re a part of me, and reminders of a battle I fought, and won! No one can see them except me (and my husband), but, I always know they’re there. Scars are ugly, and kind of sexy, too. To me, they’re “lifemarks” and when you (or others) see them, it means you’re alive and kicking baby!


I love it. It feels so good when I laugh out loud. So let’s do it more often! Okay? Try it now. Go ahead. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Don’t you feel better? The best is when you laugh so hard it makes you cry. People who laugh are sexy. Period. 


Be nice

One of the best gifts I feel I can give—to others and to myself—is kindness. It takes a lot more energy to be mean, and no one likes a mean person, so be nice. Have a heartbeat? Then have a heart, sexy. 

Do these signs look familiar? Then you’re on the right path to being and feeling sexy. Each year, at every new birth date, let’s all remember to keep on truckin’. To make life fun! Like that roller coaster ride; it may make us vomit, but what the hell, it’s still better than the alternative. 

Happy birthday, sexy! :)

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Love the way you think. And the way you write.

Rick Bollinger

This pretty much nails it!! Yes, there is a beauty to maturing. You get to experience life more completely. From a perspective that changes daily simply because every day you learn and experience something new. I’m with you, embrace the journey!


You are an inspiration! 🌸🥰❤️💎

Julie Glassman

You are an inspiration! 🌸🥰❤️💎

Julie Glassman

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