wanderers. wonderers. creators. Meet Marlena....

wanderers. wonderers. creators. Meet Marlena....

People who inspire for all kinds of reasons, small or big.

There are folks in my life who have inspired me to be better. They’re my mentors. My teachers. My heroes. They’ve shared their knowledge with me, patiently and gracefully. Some are older. Some are younger. Age doesn’t seem to matter. All are wise and doing what they love. Once in a while, I’ll be chatting with them about what makes them tick and sharing their stories with you. I hope you’ll feel energized by their insights. And, one day, perhaps you’ll be my next featured wanderer. wonderer. creator.

The one and only "Marlena"

Meet marvelous Marlena, aka: Ms. M, Diva, McDonald’s Queen, Chief Creative Officer, Mentor, Madame, Dame…It’s May. Yay! And, I’m excited to be chatting with my former boss, Marlena Peleo-Lazar. We first met over twenty years ago at a breakfast meeting at The Four Seasons in Chicago. Nearly missing each other to connect for our date, (neither knew what the other looked like) we finally figured out who was who, introduced ourselves and have been friends ever since.

Marlena. My mentor and friend. 

Marlena and I worked together at McDonald’s Corporation for over fifteen years. She is the company’s former CCO, me and three other Creative Directors and two Executive Assistants reported directly to her. Our little creative group was a family; Marlena, the mother hen and her chicks—sisters and one bro. Marlena was a champion of producing award winning creative communication—tv commercials, print ads, radio spots, merchandising, packaging, social media—anything that the McDonald’s customer could see, touch or hear was our group’s responsibility. Before creative development, Marlena insisted all agencies fill out a creative brief. This one piece of paper contained important information about who, what, why and how we wanted to speak to our consumer. I thought it would be fun to use this same format for my interview with Marlena. Enjoy!

Marlena, Mark Carlson, me and Nancy Slattery (three of the six chicks from Marlena's Creative Group)

Marlena Peleo-Lazar Creative Brief

Assignment: Brand Marlena

Brand Purpose: Marlena, how would you define yourself as a brand today? And, what would be your purpose to yourself and to the world?

(Marlena) Brand: Truthfully, I am, even at this time in my life, still seeking the fullest expression of myself. As I am thinking about this, I am reminded that my brand definition has been, and is, still evolving. Words that I might have used even last year to describe my brand: authentic, adventurous, compassionate, might not be exactly right this year. Because if you are totally committed to growth as a human being, as I am, we never stop discovering new dimensions of ourselves. I am still writing new chapters in my brand book.

Marlena speaking at her alma mater, UDM

(Marlena) Purpose: Over the last few years, it has really become apparent to me just how short life is. You REALLY have to have a purpose. But, what I discovered is that “purpose” does not have to always be on a grand scale. I think that even small purpose can be more meaningful. To be kind. To have empathy. To avoid being sanctimonious. To truly believe in the humanity of others. Often, I set my mind and heart to doing a “random act of kindness.” I don’t pretend for a moment that this is world changing but it has certainly enriched my life.

Marlena the star!

Brand Dream: What do you wonder about for yourself, your brand. Can you describe what your dream would look like?

(Marlena) I have always, I think, been in a “state of wondering.” From an early age I dreamed big. I wanted to be a movie star! Now I dream what my next chapter in life might be. Unfortunately, dreams are our first casualty in life—people seem to give them up, quicker than anything, for “reality.” If you have a dream, give it a chance to happen! Now it is pretty unlikely that Hollywood will be calling me for a starring role. But, there are new dreams to be had. Dreaming has truly enriched my life because I have come to better understand about things in life that really matter… joy, resilience, connection, gratitude, and possibility.

This is my dream for everyone.

Marlena and her rock star son, Brendan

Who: Who do you want to reach with your brand? 

(Marlena) I am thrilled to “talk” with curious, passionate, interesting people. Right now, I am focused on young people embarking on careers and their journey in life. I have the honor of mentoring some thirty people and I cannot wait to see where their adventure takes them.

Marlena and her loving husband, John Lazar, have been married for 46 years!

Consumer Insight: What is the one human understanding that people have in common that you’d like to tap into with your brand? 

(Marlena) At the risk of sounding like a bad greeting card or an episode of “The Bachelor,” it’s LOVE. In spite of these turbulent, angry, times we live in…tragedy or heartache, there is, and probably always will be, a want and need for love. 

"Love connects all people, all through time."

This has been an “aha moment” in my life. In the past, I might have been a little cynical about this concept. Maybe even made a joke or two about it. But life has taught me differently. No matter what hand life deals me, I can choose a loving response to it. Life is far more rewarding when it starts from a loving place.

Wouldn’t the universe be better if we all embraced this insight?

How: How do you want to make people feel using this insight—like you are talking directly to them; tugging at their emotions?

(Marlena) Inspired to feel that anything is possible.

The Peleo-Lazar's: (from left) Brendan, Marlena, John and Chris

Why: Why is what you’re doing, saying important to others; to the world?

(Marlena) When I said that my brand, or self, was a “work in progress,” I was not kidding. But there are a few things that I do absolutely KNOW: I want my life to mean more than the jobs I have had or the titles I have achieved. I hope that more people will embrace the notions that a generous spirit, a dedication to helping others, IS the path to a successful life. And, it can change the world.

What fabulous messages to send out into the Universe! I was very fortunate to have you as my boss, especially because during our time working together, I went through a period of difficult, personal life changes and physical illness. You were such an amazing human being to me, (compassionate, supportive, loving—all the words you mentioned above). You have been and always will be my mentor. But the more we get to know each other through the years—beyond the role of boss and employee—I can honestly say that I’ve come to admire you even more as a loving woman who cares deeply for her family and friends.

You’ve tapped into the most powerful universal insight, LOVE, as the one thing that connects us all. If only….. there are people out there who choose to focus on HATE, instead. That’s the thing. It’s a choice we make. Love versus hate. Good versus evil. Positive versus negative. Beautiful versus ugly. We choose to be what we choose to see.

“Marlena!" YOU are your legacy—not a Hollywood star, but a star in the Universe!

A toast to life and love!

Thank you for your words of wisdom. I hope other folks will appreciate your candor and insights. Sending my love to you and your family. 


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Great and wise words from legendary Ms. M! Love is the most amazing thing that connects people no matter what the culture or language. Thank you Marlena for believing in me from our times at Leo Burnett and then 13 years at McD! Thank you for pushing me into waters I hadn’t swan in and learning everything about African American and Asian consumers. I learned so much. I had so much fun. The biggest thank you is for being there through my divorce. I’m looking for photos with all of us together and hoping someone here might have one.

Priscila Aviles Jamison

Love connects all people, indeed! I hope it goes beyond just a professional connection I have with Di and Marlena, but there is some love sprinkled in there as well. I too was supported with Ms. M’s empathy when my daughters struggled with mental health. That was huge for me. All the best, my friends!

Mark Carlson

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